Monday, August 13, 2018

Training for Hiking Beginner

Training for hiking beginner

Training for hiking beginners is most important for you.It will help you for safe hiking.

1. Choose the right trail for your fitness level.
Select your hike distance you can normally walk on a level or paved surface.
To estimate the time required to hike the trail, figure a pace of roughly 2-miles per hour.
Next, review the elevation changes and add an hour to your estimated hiking time for every 1000 feet of gain.
After you’ve been out once or twice, you’ll have a sense for what distance and elevation changes work well for you.
2.Tell someone where you will be.
Tell someone where you’re going, especially if you don’t have a reliable communicator.You can use a topo map app on your phone, and make sure it works for the area you are going, and that your phone won’t run out of battery. You should You’d better carry extra phone battery .

3.Start your hiking near the city, even along suburbs road. Because if you encounter some problems, it’s easy to “quite”, and it’s safe for you.

4.Always prepare your hiking shoes and bag. The most important two things in outdoor life is shoes and bag.
Get some reasonable shoes and wear them for a while so you know you aren’t going to get blisters and the shoes aren’t going to fall apart.
Modern hiking shoes are lightweight and comfortable compared to boots years ago.
The far you out from city, the important these things are.

5.Check the weather.
At first check the right weather for hiking.Suny is the best for hiking.
In rainy day hiking become too difficult.

6.As a beginner of hiking don’t try hiking more than one for your first hiking.You should hike near you at first time.

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